The selection of lead artists for the Playing Memories project is now open. The project involves the creation of multidisciplinary artistic performances in various cities around the world and the production of a TV docuseries, divided into two seasons with a total of 24 episodes, which will be broadcast on a prestigious international streaming platform.

Project ObjectivePlaying Memories aims to celebrate and enhance Italian cultural and artistic-musical heritage through innovative multidisciplinary performances. Each artistic residency will be led by a lead artist, selected through this call for artists, who will coordinate a team of performers to create an original performance.

The goal and challenge of each artistic residency is to conceive, compose, set up, and stage a multidisciplinary performance in just 15 days, with the creative and collaborative contributions of each artist and performer in residence, under the supervision of coaches and tutors.

All activities, from casting to residencies and final performances, will be fully documented step by step by a film production team that will capture all phases of the artistic residency. The collected material will be used to produce a TV docuseries in 24 episodes, with two seasons of 12 episodes each, to be streamed on a platform. The first 4 residencies will be the focus of the first season, while the subsequent 4 will make up the second season.

Types of Works and Themes. Artistic projects may include the following categories (non-exhaustive list):

  • Music and Works by Italian Composers: from any era and style, including reinterpretations or modern adaptations.
  • Italian Folk Repertoire: regional and folk musical traditions.
  • Original Repertoire: original compositions and creations by the artists.
  • Music for Film and Musical Theater: including musicals and theatrical works.
  • Italian Jazz: from historical to contemporary, including original compositions.
  • Italian Pop-Rock: from its origins to the present, including original creations.

The following Call for Artists is aimed at musicians, dancers, visual artists, photographers, and set designers. The deadline for submitting applications is October 15, 2024. It is advisable to read the Call carefully before filling out the following form to apply, and to participate in the webinar on October 2nd at 3 PM for guidance on how to effectively present your project.

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Inserire il Corso e l'anno di corso a cui si è iscritti (se si è già in possesso di un diploma accademico di I o Ii livello spuntare la casella "diplomato")
Elenco delle Discipline artistiche che si vorrebbe svolgereselezionare campo a selezione multipla
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