Selections are now open for performers to participate in the Playing Memories project, an initiative aimed at creating multidisciplinary artistic performances in various international cities. The project, funded through the PNRR grant, will be documented by a television crew and will be broadcast in a TV docuseries in two seasons, totaling 24 episodes, on a prestigious international streaming platform.

The artistic residencies will last 15 days each, during which performers will collaborate with a lead artist to conceive, compose, and stage original performances. Each residency will be supported by specialized tutors, and the final performances will be presented in theaters and festivals in Italy, as well as in European institutions.

The artists selected through this first Call for Performers will participate in the first season of the docuseries, which will begin in October 2024 and conclude with the season’s release in May-June 2025. Host cities include Rome, Milan, L’Aquila, and other international locations.

To apply, artists must be under 35 with a background in dance, music, visual art, music production, photography, set design, choreography, or other performing disciplines. Applications must be submitted by October 15, 2024, using the form below.

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Inserire il Corso e l'anno di corso a cui si è iscritti (se si è già in possesso di un diploma accademico di I o Ii livello spuntare la casella "diplomato")
Elenco delle Discipline artistiche che si vorrebbe svolgereselezionare campo a selezione multipla
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