Saint Louis successfully participated as the lead institution with the project Playing Memories in the PNRR call for grants aimed at the internationalization of Higher Artistic and Musical Education Institutes (A.F.A.M.) – D.D. no. 124 of July 19, 2023, and subsequent amendments. The project partners, along with Saint Louis, are prestigious institutions that are part of the AFAM system. Specifically, the Playing Memories project will be produced by Saint Louis, as the lead institution, together with RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, the Academy of Fine Arts based in Rome and Milan, the Alfredo Casella Conservatory in L’Aquila, the Fondazione Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala in Milan, and ISIA – the Higher Institute for Artistic Industries in Rome. The Playing Memories project is part of the PNRR – MISSION 4 COMPONENT 1 – Investment 3.4 “University education and advanced skills” – CUP Code B93B24000010001, and will be completed by March 2026.
